

Page history last edited by Stella 15 years, 2 months ago


Dr Sahtouris on the current state of human ecological and social crisis

and how this condition relates to the larger picture of planetary evolution. 


Stella: this is a great way to make accesible a lot of very good but highly theoretical strands of modern thinking.

Sahtouris speaks as a biologist but also as a wise woman and skilled story-teller. 



Part 1








Part 2







Part 3




from part 3:


what we have to focus on iscan we build a viable butterfly, a butterfly that really can fly, because that's not guaranteed.

so if we put our energies into building all the alternative ways of doing things - and we can learn from nature about how we can go about this process of evolution that's called for today, we can build alternatives for the old models of education, of law, of healthcare ... all of this we are doing ... and we know we can function as a global family because we have global systems of comunications ..


.. internet by the way functioins as a real self-organizing living system, ...  (we need to be) ..linking our minds, our concepts, our visions..




Stella, dic09: For me the crucial parts of this story (see Part 3) are what do those trends mean for the permaculture movement: where are we really co-operating with each other and other progressive movements and really able to vision (something as weird as!) a butterfly, and where are we still going along with the big caterpillar story and basically visioning an 'alternative' o 'greener' caterpillar - and actually getting in the way of evolution?  

I think I see both things happening, right here inside the permaculture movement, as well as in the wider 'aternatives' movement.


As Sahtouris says,

the butterfly is not a certainty

.. yet there seems to be a lot of 'magical thinking' out there,  betrayed by the attitude (surely very strange coming form designers..) that we don't have to bother to design any organizational structures, or that those who are are (necessarily) limiting the process or evoution.









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